Case Examples

Our highest reward is the success of our clients

METIS Management Consulting primarily works for clients in the Financial Services industry. We take pride in our re­spec­tive cus­tomer re­la­tion­ships and con­sider it as a privi­lege, to work for some of the lar­gest financial in­sti­tu­tions in Germany and the German-speaking Europe.

Our projects frequently deal with inno­vation issues, thus directly affec­ting our client’s com­petitive position. Be­cause we con­se­quen­tly respect the desire for con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, we exercise discre­tion and usually re­frain from naming our clients in public presen­ta­tions, if not expli­citly authorized to do so.

Our client base comprises amongst others

With many of our clients we main­tain long term business re­la­tions, based on a steadily growing mutual trust. In partner­ship we de­ve­lop tailor-made solu­tions em­powe­ring our clients to sustainably reach their business ob­jec­tives.

Explore on a se­le­ction of our most inter­es­ting projects!